Redefinim excelența prin fiecare farfurie!

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Locul perfect pentru cei cu gusturi Haute!

Suntem pasionați de arta culinară și aducem un amestec îndrăzneț între calitate și inovație! Termenul „Haute” din limba franceză înseamnă „de înaltă clasă”. Reflectă angajamentul nostru pentru excelență, în timp ce „Pepper” amintește de pasiunea noastră pentru condimente și arome extravagante. Împreună? O simfonie care definește bucătăria noastră fusion!

Meniu elevat, opțiuni pentru toți

Feeling Italiano? Oferim peste 11 feluri de paste făcute în casă!
Dacă nu ai decis încă, nu te îngrijora! Avem opțiuni pentru micul dejun, prânz și cină.

O notă subtilă de excentricitate

Un design interior creativ și o priveliște aparte adaugă magie fiecărei mese! Admiră grandoarea Palatului Parlamentului, dintr-un refugiu gastronomic mediteranean!

Servire impecabilă

Ospitalitatea definește echipa Haute Pepper! Fiecare fel de mâncare ajunge la tine rapid și însoțit de un zâmbet prietenos!



Degustă vizual fiecare preparat, creat cu grijă pentru tine!


Ți-am făcut poftă? Rezervă o masă și ne revanșăm!

Rezervări prin


Părerile clienților noștri

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Fabulous resaturant find in Bucharest. Excellent atmosphere, service and the food & wine were brilliant. The outside terrace area is a lovely place to sit in. Staff were brilliant throughout our experience; very attentive and welcoming. This was impressive considering I rather clumsily knocked over and smashed our bottle of water.
Marcos Blum
Marcos Blum
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It was not good! ......... It was excelent! Excelent restaurant, the food was much nore than we expected (even after reading the previous reviews). You can seat outside and have a nice view of the Unirii Boulevard and the Romanian Parlament. The service was also very good and I am sure everyone who works there is nice, but we have the good luck to be served by Marian, and trust me, you will enjoy your food and have fun at the same time. Will we come back? An easy yes, it is just a matter of time.
Talida P
Talida P
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Great experience, delicious dessert I had a great experience with my team. Lots of laughs, they handled all of us (30+ people) and the other tables with kindness and professionalism. You must try they Chocolate Volcano, I absolutely loved it!
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Fabulous resaturant find in Bucharest. Excellent atmosphere, service and the food & wine were brilliant. The outside terrace area is a lovely place to sit in. Staff were brilliant throughout our experience; very attentive and welcoming. This was impressive considering I rather clumsily knocked over and smashed our bottle of water.
Marcos Blum
Marcos Blum
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It was not good! ......... It was excelent! Excelent restaurant, the food was much nore than we expected (even after reading the previous reviews). You can seat outside and have a nice view of the Unirii Boulevard and the Romanian Parlament. The service was also very good and I am sure everyone who works there is nice, but we have the good luck to be served by Marian, and trust me, you will enjoy your food and have fun at the same time. Will we come back? An easy yes, it is just a matter of time.


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